Many people around the world do not know what a skin tag is. All it is is a piece of skin that is rather small and it is protruding or hanging from the surface of the rest of the skin in that area. They can sometimes grow and depending on where they are situated they can cause irritation against clothes that are rubbing. For some people they can be the color of their natural skin and for others they can be hyper pigmented, or even darker than the encircling flesh. Sometimes they are flat whilst others hang off the skin by a something that looks like a stalk which is called a peduncle. For the majority they are a few millimeters long in diameter. However they can fluctuate in their size from a pinpoint to the size of a grape.
Who Gets Skin Tags
Skin tags can also be known in the medical world as acrochordon and they can and will appear on any part of the body they choose to. Although the most common places for them to be located are the eyelids, nose, cheek, neck, armpits, upper chest, and the groin area. They are in no way connected to any form of illness or disease and they are also benign. Skin tags are usually seen more in women than in men, particularly on those women who are pregnant. Skin tags will usually increase as a person gets older or larger.
Skin Tag RemovalTreatments
In the past years the treatment was to simply tie a piece of thread around the base of the skin tag and wait for it to die off naturally and fall off, this would happen because of the lack of blood supply to it. It is now known, however, that this method is not the best idea as it can sometimes cause an infection to rise up. Obviously nowadays the safest and the most recommended way to remove a skin tag is to see your doctor. The doctors can choose a few different methods for removal, such as burning it off, cutting it off, or freezing it off. For most people the idea of any of these options isn’t exactly appealing.
Other Options for Removal
There are laser treatments that work by evaporating the unwanted tissue and at the same time simultaneously resurfacing the skin. You will finish with very little scaring to the area as it is very accurate.
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