Small, Benign Skin Growths
Skin tags are very common in the human population. Namely, they are likely to appear on the skin of every second person. As for their causes, medicine has not yet dedicated enough time for studying these growths in order to come up with a precise answer. This is probably due to benign, harmless character of skin tags. Still, there are certain assumptions related to the creation of skin tags. Some of these are mentioned throughout the lines below.
Causes of Skin Tags
The fist thing connected with skin tags is heredity. Namely, if parents are prone to developing these growths on the surface of their skin, their child will likely be prone to skin tags too. However, most cases of skin tag appearance affect people who are middle aged.
Another risk group, as far as skin tags are concerned, are obese people. This is speculated to be due to the excessive body weight, causing the extra layers of skin to rub against each other, resulting in the development of skin tags. These usually appear on the neck, armpits and groin area in obese people. Moreover, obese women may have skin tags appear under their breasts as well.
Another common cause of skin tags is pregnancy. Women, while in this period tend to develop these growths under their breasts, under the arms and on the neck. Luckily, once the pregnancy is over, the skin tags usually disappear on their own.
Additionally, hormonal imbalances, skin rubbing, insulin resistance, diabetes type 2 and certain microorganisms all can be behind the appearance of skin tags on one'sbody.
For those whose skin tags are persistent, there are certain ways of removing them. The most common are exposing them to liquid nitrogen and removing them while frozen or cutting them off and disinfecting the area adequately afterward. Both of these methods are performed at a hospital or a medical facility. Laser removal can also be an option.
Still, taking into consideration that these growths are completely harmless, they should not be trifled with if not necessary. Therefore, unless your aesthetic appeal is jeopardized by a skin tag, or it starts behaving strangely, changing size, color and shape, you should not touch it or remove it. Usually, after a certain time, skin tags fall of on their own. Still, for prevention purposes, you should have your skin tags examined if they look suspicious.
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