Low Self-esteem and Its Impact on One'sLife
We, as people are bound to emotions. Weperceive other people through emotions and get into relationships, aswell as out of them the same way. Therefore, emotions are quiteimportant to us, since they are the pillars of our existence.Thereby, people who suffer from low self-esteem and cannot open toother people, let alone get into serious relationships, tend to getsecluded from any serious and healthy social interactions. Moreover,once a person lives with low self-esteem, he or she finds it hard tofunction at all, due to numerous doubts and fears related to theirreflections in the world around them. All in all, this phenomenon isnot a benevolent one and can lead one to desperation and totalseclusion, casing other negative impacts on his/her life as well.
Signs of Low Self-esteem and PossibleRemedies
One of the most common signs isabsentmindedness, expressed through worries about past or futureevents. Namely, people with low self-esteem are always worried aboutsome previous or future events and cannot concentrate on living thepresent happily, once they are engulfed in the time which is not hereyet, or time which is already behind them. Therefore, whenever youexperience troubles of this type, make sure you start breathingdeeply. This way, you will concentrate on a present action, leavingsmall chances of being bothered by the past of future, concentratingon the present moments, cherishing them.
Similarity, people with low self-esteemare always dissatisfied with the status quo and desire things theycurrently do not have, claiming them to be the solutions of all oftheir problems. Before neglecting all we have and focusing on thingswe do not possess, we should look at all the things we are leavingbehind. All we own or have is all a product of our effort and effortsof people who love us. Thus, we need to cherish all those thingsbefore wanting anything else.
Low self-esteem reflects throughself-negativity. Thereby, people who have problems with theirself-esteem are likely to undermine their successes and sabotagethemselves instead of being happy. You need to appreciate yourselfand your achievements more. So, listen to your talk and thoughtsclosely and react against this harmful negativity.
Additionally, people with lowself-esteem tend to avoid relationships, either because they do notwant to get hurt or because they do not want to hurt other people.We, humans, function on relationships between each other. It is ourinborn characteristic. Therefore, do not fear what is natural, but,rather, explore and allow other to find what they need in you aswell.
These people always act to be busy andtend to change jobs and interests often. However, you need a constantin your life, other than the low self-esteem you have. Thus, believein yourself and find yourself a place in life where you will feelcomfortable.
Finally, people with low self-esteemtry to boost it by overindulgence in sex, drugs, alcohol or any otheraddiction. This is bad and will lead you nowhere. Face your problemsand fears and try to fight them directly, instead of fighting yourbody and destroying it through an unhealthy lifestyle.
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