Nicorette patches
People use Nicorette patches whenthey want to quit smoking. The patches are comprised of nicotine, which entersyour body through skin and easies the abstinence. People get addicted tocigarettes and when they want to quit smoking, they experience differentsymptoms due to nicotine deprivation, and they have strong urge to light acigarette.
NRT or nicotine replacementtherapies can be helpful in overcoming these symptoms by giving your body smalldoses of nicotine and reducing physical need for nicotine. NRT includes theusage of Nicorette patches .The patches should be placed somewhere on the skinand kept there for 16 hours. The amount of nicotine in them can vary and at thebeginning you should use the ones with the highest doses of nicotine. Over time,you can use patches with smaller doses, so that your body can adjust to thenicotine reduction. There is also psychological addiction which can make thisprocess more difficult. You should restrain yourself from smoking when you feelthe extreme desire to do that.
Tips for using Nicorettepatches
They help you to overcome theperiod of abstinence. Put on patch on the place of your body that is clean andwithout hairs or injuries in the morning, and leave it there for 16 hours.Every morning at approximately same time a patch should be put on. If you aredoing workouts and using patches at the same time the risk of unwanted effectsis higher. If you have any kind of skin reaction remove the patch and stopusing it.
Side effects
If you are suffering from heartcondition, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, liver or kidney conditions, you can usepatches, but under medical supervision. Some other conditions can worsen byusing patches. Nicotine should not be used by pregnant women but if awoman can’t give up smoking, it would be more beneficial for her and the babyto wear patches than to smoke. The same goes for breastfeeding and in bothcases a woman should try to stop using patches as fast as possible.
Unwanted effects can be various,though they may not even appear. The most common unwanted effectsinclude changes on the skin where the patch is put on, vertigo, headache,stomach pain, feeling sick and throwing up and similar. Nicotine and othercomponents in the cigarettes can affect certain medications by discharging themfaster than usual. If you are trying to quit smoking, inform your doctor aboutthat because it may be necessary to adjust the dosage of medications that youare already using.
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