A Delicate Structure
Each of our shoulders has a verycomplex joint system. It consists of cartilage, tendons, muscles andother parts, ensuring its proper mobility and correct functioning.Therefore, taking into consideration the complexity of such amechanism, its proneness to injury is not strange. Namely, most oftencaused by a direct blow or simple overstraining, one's injuredshoulder may be quite painful. Therefore, proper symptoms need to benoticed timely, in order to react and provide adequate treatment insuch cases.
Reasons Behind Shoulder Pain
One of the most often causes of strongshoulder pain is shoulder dislocation. Our shoulder works on a systemof a ball and socket. Thus, due to a physical injury or overstraining,one part of the structure may get dislocated, causing damage to itssurroundings, resulting in pain and mobility issues. Alternatively,our tendons, connected to the shoulder joint, may get inflamed,having the same, and highly uncomfortable result.
Generally, infections affecting ourshoulder and causing pain around the spot, are usually provoked bysome underlying illnesses. Therefore, arthritis, tendinitis,gallstones or even pregnancy may cause the inflammation of ourshoulder joints. In cases of gallstones, the pain engages once aperson has eaten something spicy while in pregnancy this condition isusually followed by bleeding from one's vagina as well as some othersymptoms.
Treating Severe Shoulder Pain
First and foremost, once you decide toseek medical attention due to the severe pain in your shoulder, thedoctor will need to scan the troublesome body part in order toestablish a proper diagnosis. After doing this, adequate treatmentwill be prescribed. In all cases of shoulder treatment, shouldermovement needs to be reduced to the very minimum. Therefore, youshould restrain yourself from moving the painful part of your body,in order to provide it adequate healing conditions.
Anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillersare prescribed in order to help you cope with pain. Sometimes, oftendue to breakage of bones, you are to have your shoulder immobilized.In cases of underlying illnesses, these need to be treated first. Ifother means fail, operation may be a necessity. Once successfullyperformed, the rehabilitation period starts.
Once your shoulder has started feelingbetter, you will be given instructions for proper exercises. Therecovery period is long, an the patient needs to follow allinstructions given to him or her, in order to have his or hershoulder healed completely. Finally, if pregnancy is causing shoulderproblems, it may need to be terminated. As for gallstone problems,diet change is a must.
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