A Frequent Mishap With Athletes and theElderly
Many older people, as well as peoplewho indulge into advanced physical activities may experience pain intheir shoulder while throwing something. There are numerous differentreasons behind this painful phenomenon, some of them being moreserious than others. Either way, if you are an athlete whose sportinvolves making throwing movements often, you might experience thispain due to overstraining of your shoulders. On the other hand, thiscondition is quite common in people who are older than 40, and thereason is simple “wear and tear” of their shoulder components dueto the age factor. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know how torecognize the symptoms of this condition and to know what causes itin order to provide your shoulders adequate treatment and remove thepain they cause you when you throw something.
Reasons behind Shoulder Pain WhileThrowing
Taking into consideration the fact thatour shoulders are some of the most mobile joints we have in our body,it is not hard to presume that, while being reckless, we can cause itinjury. Therefore, by engaging into excessive physical activitywithout warming up or stretching first, we may experience injuries ofour muscles, tendons or ligaments, as well as our shoulder joint, allcausing excessive pain in the area. Before any serious injuries takeplace, we will experience shoulder pain while performing throwingmotions. Thus, we should perceive this as a warning sign and dosomething about our shoulder injury before it escalates.
What Can We Do?
Upon seeking medical assistance, youwill get examined in several different manners. One of these isscanning of the painful area with an X-ray scan or an MRI. This way,your doctor can establish a proper diagnosis by getting adequateinsight into your physical problem. Apart from these scans, aphysical specialist may examine you, basing his or her diagnosis uponyour pain level, mobility constriction, possible shoulder dislocation, and many other aspects.
Once diagnosed, unless the injury isserious, you will be prescribed resting and rehabilitation exercisesuntil your shoulder recovers completely. It is important not toindulge into demanding physical activities regarding your shouldersince this may result in the worsening of your problems.
Alternatively, during the recoveryperiod, you might have relaxing massages performed upon your injuredshoulder. Also, you might take some over-the-counter painkillers ifthe pain bothers you greatly.
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