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Involuntary Muscle Spasms

In case one is wondering what this condition is and how does it manifests itself, the following might give some further explanation. Namely, muscle spasms of this type are mainly abrupt contractions of our muscles we are not able to control. Therefore, involuntary muscle spasms happen without warning, and without us feeling them beforehand or being aware that we are causing them. The muscles which are contracted are usually those of our legs, or other muscles which are connected to bones either directly or by a tendon. People tend to mistakingly compare this temporary condition with a twitch. However, this is hardly a good comparison since a twitch brings one no pain and works on a small portion of a larger muscle. On the other hand, muscle spasm manifests through significant amount of pain and discomfort, capable of disabling one's movement for a shorter period of time.

What Can Cause These Spasms?

As it is the case with many other conditions related to our body, this “sensation” is caused by some lifestyle issues not being beneficial for one's body. First of all, our muscles need water in order to make protein absorption possible. Therefore, one of the main causes of these muscle spasms is dehydration. Once, we do not intake sufficient amounts of water into our organism, it cannot function correctly, thus experiencing problems, one of which are the spasms.

Additionally, besides lacking in water, our organism may have insufficient minerals. Deficiency in calcium, magnesium and potassium may all cause involuntary muscle spasms.

Many have noticed that this condition usually strikes after long walks, excessive indulgence in sports and similar events. This is true. If our muscles have been stretched for too much or too long they might contract violently once they are relaxed or during the overstraining.

Further on, this aching fit, leaving lumps of muscle tissue beneath one's skin, capable of even making one's proper walking impossible, can also be caused by some underlying medical conditions. People who suffer from arteriosclerosis, a condition involving narrowing of the arteries, tend to have these muscle spasms as well. This happens due to the inability of our organism to deliver blood to our muscles due to the disease. Therefore, muscles, when deprived of blood and all the nutritive substances it brings, are prone to the spasms. Additionally, a compressed nerve in one's spine may cause this condition. In such cases, the nerve is treated in order to relieve the muscles.

How to Treat Involuntary Muscle Spasms

If the spasms continue for a longer period of time, it is best to visit a doctor who will pinpoint the exact cause of them. Then, once the problem is found, he or she may prescribe an adequate therapy, medicines or supplements.

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