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How Does One End Up With a TornCartilage in Shoulder?

The human shoulder is made from severaldifferent parts. Firstly, the very joint consists of a ball and asocket. Namely, one bone has a ball end which fits the socket part ofthe other bone, enabling us to move our arms in a very flexiblemanner. This movement is ensured by cartilage as well, as it presentssupport and protection for the bones. However, sometimes, abrupt orunnatural movements, overstraining as well as some other causes, mayall lead to shoulder dislocation and the tearing of the cartilage.This is known to cause severe amounts of pain and a dire need ofmedical assistance.

Characteristics of Torn Cartilage inOne's Shoulder

Apart from the reasons mentioned above,this condition may take place due to aging or a direct injury.Regardless of the cause, each shoulder cartilage injury is painful.However, the amount of pain depends on the amount of injury. In somesituations, the shoulder may get completely dislocated due to thetorn cartilage. Alternatively, due to overstraining, this cartilagemay get pinched in with the bone itself, causing pain and discomfort.This condition is common for athletes and it disables one from freelymoving arms. Finally, a part of the joint to which a bicepstendon is attached may get torn as well, leading to injury and painmostly tennis players are prone to.

Manifestations of Torn Cartilage inOne's Shoulder

First and foremost there is a pain in theinjured area. This pain may be severe, making a person unable to movehis or her arms or shoulders. Also, it may merely cause discomfortand movement difficulties in more mild cases. Swelling may be presentas well, located around the injured spot.

Possible Treatment

It is important to react timely becauseany delay may cause permanent damage to your shoulders. Therefore,immediate medical attention is a necessity. The doctor will check youmedical records, examine the injured spot and, most probablyrecommend scanning. After the X-ray scan, s/he will be able tosee the seriousness of the injury, prescribing the best possibletreatment. Alternatively, the doctor may create a small opening inyour shoulder area where he or she will insert a camera in order tosee the cause of injury. Afterwards, the shoulder will be immobilizedand the patient prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.Once the recovery has been successful, exercises will be recommended.These will restore your shoulder functions. Nevertheless, it is bestto do them under professional supervision.

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