Issues with acne
Acne is one of the most annoying experiences that almost every teenager has to go through. They occur due to frequent hormonal shifts and changes that puberty brings. Of course, there is always the possibility that acne will find their way to the face of an adult or two, but those cases are very rare. Acne were and remained one of the official stamps of puberty and the remainders that usually stay after them are the scars.
How can sandalwood powder help dealing with acne?
The choice of lotions and face masks that are based on chemicals and meant to help combat acne is immense, however they either don’t really work at all and their commercial was the best part about them, or they work for a while little while and as soon as the skin’s used to them, their effects disappear.
Sandalwood powder, on the other hand, is a completely natural substance that contains no alcohol, not to mention the other chemicals placed in the commercial products. The way sandalwood powder deals with acne is as a part of a particular paste that can be made at home and is proven to help with acne problems quite efficiently.
The recipe for the paste containing sandalwood powder
First of all, a spoonful of sandalwood powder should be put in a small bowl and a couple drops of rose water are to be added to it. That should be followed by a few more drops of glycerin and afterwards all these drops are to be well-mixed into the powder. When this is done, the part with preparing the paste is pretty much done.
What follows is covering the whole face with that paste and leaving it one up to a half an hour. When that time’s run out the mixture should be gently and thoroughly washed off the face with warm water. That very same mixture is used for taking care of the acne scars as well.
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