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Why Are There Ridges on My Fingernails?

Ridges on your fingernails may immediately give you aesthetic concerns, but the story doesn't end there — the state of your fingernails can tell you a lot about your overall health.

Fingernail ridges are a common sight in people with certain health problems. Moreover, some people claim that they may be able to suspect an entire medical condition in a person solely by observing and analyzing his or her fingernails. Nevertheless, ridges on fingernails may or may not be a reason for concern.

Namely, people who notice ridges spreading vertically over the surface of their fingernails may relax, since this should present no significant health problems. Those people who have horizontal ridges on their nails, on the other hand, have more reason to worry since these kinds of ridges may be a symptom of numerous underlying diseases pertaining to one's heart, glands, respiratory, and vascular system as well as many others. Therefore, one needs to notice this sign in a timely manner and take measures needed to avoid further complications.

Reasons Behind Fingernail Ridges

First and foremost, certain nutritional deficiencies in our organism, malnutrition as well as some other causes, may all trigger the appearance of these ridges upon a person's fingernails. Dehydration, a vitamin B deficiency, or even a direct injury inflicted upon one's fingernail are all able to cause these ridges. Alternatively, often due to old age, some of our bodily oils, being involved in the nail production process, get depleted, resulting in nail deformation and ridges too.

Finally, several underlying diseases or medication side effects can be added to the list of possible causes of obvious and deep ridges on the fingernails. Thus, psoriasis, diabetes, exposure to toxins all contribute to the onset of this condition.

Possible Treatment of Fingernail Ridges

Yes, you could go and get a professional manicure to reduce the appearance of fingernail ridges or entirely hide them — but that does not solve the underlying cause. In order to fight the symptom, you need to cure the disease behind it. In other words, the best way of curing yourself from fingernail ridges is to heal the underlying causes.

If you suffer from malnutrition (vitamin and mineral deficiencies), make sure you introduce some radical changes in your diet, in taking more vitamin E, C and B12, as well as zinc and folic acid. In addition to these supplements or dietary changes, you may eat more vegetables and fruits, providing your body with all the necessary nutritive substances. Furthermore, in cases of dehydration, ensure that you are hydrating yourself properly and have a sufficient water intake, not settling for less than 8 glasses a day.

If you do not have nutritional deficiencies, take care of both your nails and your skin, massaging them with products containing vitamin E and jojoba oil, replenishing materials necessary for your further fingernail formation.

Making these necessary lifestyle changes may be of great assistance to your nail recovery. As your body grows healthier, your nails will too, reflecting the perfect state of your body as a whole. Nonetheless, it is not a bad idea to consult a doctor to rule out more serious underlying causes.

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