We will focus on a problem called yeast infection, which can be made more serious if it becomes chronic. Body is covered with the yeast, which is a fungus, but the internal systems of the human body keep the quantity of yeast in control. Yeast overgrowth can be started off by the vagina acidity. But the yeast is more powerful if the level of acidity is lower than normal and this makes way for the creation of the yeast infection.
There are several possible causes associated with the repeated yeast infection and if this is something that troubles you, you need to be persistent and find the exact cause. The yeast infection development can be aided by wearing moisture retaining and tight underwear, use of scented feminine products for hygiene (like pads, tampons and sprays) and douching and other personal ha bits. Also, a wet bathing suit or keeping on clothes made from synthetic materials after exercising can lead to yeast infection. Repeated yeast infection can be created due to presence of medical conditions. This problem is more present among women who use birth control pills, medications with estrogen, women who are overweight or have diabetes. But basically, every woman on the planet can be affected by the yeast infection. Chances of developing vaginal yeast infection are higher in those who are using steroids or antibiotics due to presence of other infection. Immune system can be compromised due to illnesses such as HIV, for example, and this can lay the foundation to many problems among which is a chronic yeast infection.
The doctor must be visited if the yeast infection returns several times over one year. The full examination must be conducted in this case in order to find the proper cause and conduct several treatments in order to find appropriate one. Know that abnormal number of yeast infections within a year is three and if this happens when you visit the doctor, the doctor must find out if the resistant or rare form of yeast string is causing the problem. There are chances the treatment first conducted won't be appropriate, so usually if a case is severe, multiple dosages are given, and then are given medications that prevent the infection from returning, and this part is called suppressive therapy. If this does not prevent the problem from returning, the woman needs to visit the hospital.
Similar Infections
Trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and bacterial vaginosis are some of the infection that can cause the problem and symptoms related to vaginal yeast infection. All of these infections cause vaginal discharge, discomfort and itching, but finding out which of these infections is causing the problem is a bit difficult and only professionals can do this. Physical examination and symptoms are not enough to confirm which of these infections are present, so special tests must be conducted to determine this.
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