Yeast infection is one of the most common infections in women, but the fact is that this infection can also occur in men. There are two types of yeast infections: oral and vaginal/penile yeast infection.
Recurring yeast infection
Non-recurring yeast infections are not dangerous and can be treated easily with homeopathic remedies and over-the-counter medicines. On the other hand, the recurring yeast infections can be very serious because it can lead to certain complications, such as diabetes and chronic urinary tract infection. The yeast infections that tent to appear frequently usually occur in diabetics, as well as in those who consume a lot of sugar. When a person has more than four yeast infections in a year, it is diagnosed as recurring yeast infection.
Causes for recurring yeast infection
One of the most frequent causes for the occurrence of yeast infection is the use of birth control pills and there are cases in which the yeast infection was not so frequent when women stopped to consume contraceptive pills. The other cause for the incidence of yeast infection is a high sugar diet. Those women who tend to eat lots of sweets usually experience recurring yeast infection. In many cases, the main cause for the occurrence of the yeast infection is moisture around the vagina, but the potential reason for the yeast infection is also weak immune system and those women with HIV usually have recurring yeastinfection.
It is very important always to know the main reason for the appearance of this infection and to treat it immediately. Although many patients are usually cured by using certain medications, there are doctors who avoid prescribing medications in order to prevent possible immunization to themedicine. The most frequently prescribed medicine for annoying recurrent yeast infection is Diflucan. The dosage of this drug varies depending on the health condition of the infected woman. Many medicines may also contribute to the incidence of recurring yeast infection. When a person uses, for instance, doxycycline or tetracycline for the prevention of acne, these two medicines may cause thisinfection.
Hygiene is also very important for the recurring yeast infection. If, a woman has had this infection once, she must pay attention to the previously affected area and keep it clean and dry. It is very dangerous if the fungus that causes this infection spreads to the bowels. In such case the urogenital tract may be affected, which may cause additional problems. The woman with yeast infection should avoid sexual intercourse during the infection.
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