Yeast Infection and Blisters
Yeast infection is basically a fungal infection and it is produced by a Candida albicans, which is a fungus. Cutaneous candidasis is more associated with the blisters caused by the presence of a yeast infection. Male yeast infection is more likely to cause the blisters than female. Also, male blisters will emit more pain. The locations where they usually develop are muco-cutaneous junction and other moist body areas. Armpits and penis are also moist areas and if blisters appear on these areas, the person suffering from this problem will experience a lot of pain. The problem may even become more painful if you scratch a blister or if it bursts. Blisters develop over time and usually they present themselves after the rash. So if you have a rash issue, go to the doctor and you will prevent blisters, as well as other future symptoms of yeast infection, by taking medications given by the doctor. Obesity and diabetes are some of the conditions that increase the risk of developing yeast infection. The same can be said for prolonged use of antibiotics.
Treating Blisters
Blisters developed due to the yeast infection can be treated in several ways. Numerous factors will determine the use of a specific treatment option. Some of these factors are severity and the location of the blisters. Topical antifungal creams are very successful in treating mild symptoms and blisters. The appearance of the blisters means that they are here to stay and that they will not go away on their own, so you have to react. Know that sexual contact while having blisters in the groin region is not advised since they can be passed on to the sexual partner. They are very contagious at this stage, so be careful. Hope we have provided some information on the yeast infection you will find useful. We always advise you to visit the doctor when you have a problem and some symptoms appear. So, in order to make a correct diagnosis, visit the doctor who will examine you and tell you how you can eliminate this problem. Genital herpes and yeast infection blisters produce similar symptoms and this may be a problem when setting the diagnosis. Itchy small blisters are caused by the genital herpes and they can burst or even leave painful scars. These two conditions require very different treatments so it is important to make a clear distinction between the two of them. Prevention of the problem is advised and this can be done with healthy and proper nutrition.
- medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003976.htm
- www.womenshealth.gov/glossary
- Photo courtesy of Rochelle hartman by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/tinfoilraccoon/6326642135/
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