Although quite common, thigh rashes are often not a good sign, nor do they appear for no reason at all.The Uncomfortable Inner Thigh Rash
These manifest through redness, irritation, itching and discomfort, among other things. However, the inner thigh rash is usually caused by a lack of proper hygiene, leaving this place of your body a good spot for different microorganisms like bacteria to flourish, causing infections and unpleasant smells.
Thus, it is important to act timely in order to either prevent or successfully treat your inner thigh rash problem.
A rash which causes no side-effects at all is probably not a serious thing. However, as soon as a rash starts being itchy, you are advised to seek help from a dermatologist since there are numerous different reasons behind your problem, some more serious than others.
One of the conditions likely to develop on a person's inner thigh rash is jock itch. This is a rash caused by a type of fungi preferring dark, warm and moist environments for living. Therefore, those who do sports regularly or sweat a lot provide good grounds for the development of these fungi.
Alternatively, the rash and the itching may be caused by a specific type of yeast called intertrigo. This condition is likely to be developed in people who are obese and therefore more prone to friction between their thighs. Moisture caused by sweating also triggers infection in one's inner thigh, caused by this type of yeast.
Furthermore, there is a sexually transmitted disease capable of causing rashes on people's inner thighs. This condition is called herpes. People who suffer from herpes, most often have infections or rashes on their genitals before they develop them on their inner thighs. Blisters are also present during one's exposure to this disease.
As far as treatment and prevention of inner thigh rashes are concerned, proper hygiene is the best protection. Make sure your inner thighs are clean and dry at all times in order to prevent rashes from ever appearing.
Nevertheless, if these do appear, pay your dermatologist a visit and seek professional advice. Alternatively, you may use some creams, lotions or other medications made for reducing and removing rashes, as these are known to be of great assistance.Dark Skin on Inner Thigh
Apart from rashes, skin discoloration may affect each and every part of the body. Skin changes may be different in color and the affected areas may be lighter or darker comparing to healthy skin. Darkening of the inner thighs is a problem of many people. Dark inner thigh may be a cause of embarrassment and people who have to face it simply refuse wearing swim suits or similar clothing that may expose their thighs and make the skin changes noticeable.
There are many causes of dark inner thighs. The most common one is friction of the thighs or friction of the thighs and clothes. Furthermore, excess of sweating in the particular area may eventually lead to darkening of the skin.
Some cosmetic products may cause the onset of allergy and lead to subsequent darkening of the inner thigh area. Apart from the previous and most frequent causes dark inner thighs may also be associated with heat rush, acne, boils or some other health issues of this sort.
Wearing comfortable, cotton clothes will usually keep dark skin on thighs at bay.
Alternatively, efficient lightening of the affected skin can be obtained with skin bleaching and a lightening mask. The affected area can be additionally soothed with special lotions and finally, prevention of recurrence of darkening can be also achieved by an adequate cleaning and moisturizing of the particular area.
Skin bleaching can be performed with many available products. One is supposed to chose the most suitable one and stick to the rule of application. A skin lightening mask can be made of sandalwood powder and rose water. The paste is applied on the affected area and left for 20 minutes. It is then rinsed with water. And finally, a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil can be applied on a daily bases onto the affected area. This mixture is rather efficient in lightening of the skin.
Soothing lotions are supposed to be applied twice a day. Aloe vera is particularly good at soothing the inflammation. Dark changes caused by heat rash can be rubbed with ice cubes.
All in all, rashes and darkening of the skin are both conditions which can affect your inner thighs, possibly leading to complications like infections or pain and discomfort. In most cases, these conditions are triggered by poor hygiene. However, in some situations, a different culprit may be behind either of these.
So, if you experience rash on inner thigh or darkening of the skin in this area, seek medical assistance and ask your doctor for an opinion.
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