When our skin is inflamed, it isusually manifested through some kind of a rash. Rash can appear everywhere onthe skin but in most cases, it affects the facial skin, although it can also appear onthe legs. The rash on the legs is usually very itchy and therefore, it isextremely uncomfortable for the people with this skin disorder. When the skinrash does not go away on its own, then the specialized dermatologist should beconsulted for a proper treatment.
The rash that appears on legs isusually characterized by tiny red bumps and the skin is dry and cracked. Furthermore,a feeling of burning of the affected area, as well as a slight increase in thetemperature of the infected skin, is also experienced when skin rash on legs isin question.
Types of skin rashes on legs
Skin rash can be of various typesand each type is caused by different factor and has its own symptoms and methods of treatment.
When the filaggrin gene is mutated,atopic dermatitis occurs. This type of skin rash may also appear due to some microbiologicalinfections and some kind of skin cells defection. While the most common placeswhere it appears are the ankles and feet in children, in adult population, atopic dermatitis commonly appears behind the knees.Panniculitis is the medical term forthe skin rash when the fatty layer beneath the skin is inflamed. This type ofskin rash mainly affects children and is usually caused by trauma to the skinand cold temperatures. Furthermore, when the legs are exposed to morphine and corticosteroids, as well as to the vitamin K, panniculitis may appear.Discoid eczema occurs due to burns,insect bites and surgical wounds, and is manifested through oval or roundplaques that are not itchy. Even though it first appears only on one leg, ittends to spread on both legs and then to expand further up to the arms andabdomen.When the capillaries under the skin are inflamed, capillaritis occurs in the form of brownish spots.Furthermore, varicose eczema is atype of skin rash that appears in people who suffer from varicose veins. Flaky andpatchy skin in the ankle area is usually the main sign of this skin rash.When the skin is exposed to topicalantibiotics and bathing soaps for a long period of type, a skin rash calledcontact dermatitis may appear.Other more serious skin rashes onlegs are psoriasis and prurigo nodularis.
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