Recurring Sinus Infections
Every person has at least once experienced sinus infection. Acute infection is not a problem and with proper treatment all the symptoms withdraw completely. Unfortunately, some people suffer from recurrent episodes of sinusitis which may be frustrating, annoying and exhausting.
Recurring sinus infection can be defined as frequent inflammation of sinuses. They are mainly caused by blockage of the entrance to the sinuses. This blockage prevents proper drainage of the mucus produced by mucous membrane of the sinus and accumulation of mucus is predisposing factor for inflammation.
Causes of Recurring Sinus Infections
Viruses can be one of the causes of recurring sinus infections. Other causes include bacteria and allergies. Allergic people may be frequently exposed to certain allergens so they can frequently develop sinusitis. Infection of any part of the upper respiratory tract can cause recurrent sinusitis.
Previous trauma to the face may change normal anatomy of the sinuses, get in a way of proper drainage from the sinuses and lead to recurring sinus infections. Chronic and recurring sinusitis may be also caused by nasal or sinus polyps. Polyps can be located at the very entrance to the sinuses and cause obstruction or the blockage occurs after they have grown enough.
Recurring sinusitis may accompany already existing medical condition such as cystic fibrosis, HIV, and so on.
And finally, recurring sinusitis can be caused by improper treatment of acute infection.
Treatment for Recurring Sinus Infections
Intensity of symptoms determines treatment for recurring sinus infections. The doctor will examine the patient, establish the actual cause of sinus infection and suggest the most suitable treatment. Patients generally benefit from all the methods which provide with adequate drainage of the affected sinuses.
Certain maneuvers and behavior can help in withdrawal of current symptoms and prevent recurrence of the disease. Drinking a lot of fluids can thin the mucous and make it easier for the patient to drain it. Additional help is obtained from inhaling steams. This maneuver will unblock sinuses and enhance excretion of mucus. A warm cloth pressed onto the affected sinuses can also help with blockage. Nasal saline sprays are good since they moist the nasal cavity and help in elimination of mucus. Nasal decongestants can be used only for short period of time, usually at the beginning of infection. They take care of swelling and ease drainage. In some patients recurring sinus infections are treated with antibiotics.
Allergic people should stay away from allergens.
People who are suffering from recurring sinus infections have to avoid extreme changes in temperature, avoid flying during infection and the best thing they should do is to undergo thorough examination so that the underlying cause can be found and treated properly.
Polyps, deviation of nasal septum and anatomic abnormalities which occur after trauma to the face can be surgically treated.
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