It is a frightening fact that sixty- four million Americans have some type of a disease of their cardiovascular system. There are of course many different reasons for having an unhealthy heart but the main cause is giving your heart the incorrect food.
What not to eat to have a healthy heart
By simply making sure you have a healthy diet you will be decreasing your chances of having a problem with your heart later in life. Basically, cut back on the fat intake and have more fiber, vegetables and nuts. Everyone knows that they should avoid the fried food if they want to protect their hearts. Also you should try to stay away from egg yolks, organ meats and products that have whole fat milk in them. You can have red meat but just avoid the fatty cuts of it. Here is a list of more products to stay away from: sweets, doughnuts, cream cheese, French fries, cream, ice cream, coconut, butter, and avocado. Some research has been done stating that by having around one and a half ounces of nuts every day will actually help you to cut back the LDL cholesterol.What foods to eat to have a healthy heart
Foods like oatmeal, peas, rice bran, oat bran, barley, and citrus fruits are soluble fiber foods which are great for you. Another study was done which showed that people who had lentils and beans in their diet had their cholesterol level fall twice as quickly as those who didn’t include these in their diet.
Recipe for a healthy heart
Mushroom soup will need four cups of a low sodium chicken broth and two cups of non fat dry milk. You will also need three tea spoons of margarine, one cup of onion that has been sliced up, two minced up garlic, at least four ounces of sliced up mushrooms, five teaspoons of flour, two tea spoons of sherry, half a teaspoon of lemon rind that has been grated down, two teaspoons of parsley and lastly two teaspoons of lemon juice.
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