Whether you need to meet or increase your daily intake of proteins,there are many nutritionists that will suggest using powdered proteins. At themoment, the market is flooded with so many different products that people havetrouble finding the right products for themselves.
Protein Powder Types
There are various types of proteins, but the most commonlyfound powdered products contain: whey, casein, soy or egg proteins.
Whey is certainly the most used protein powder of all. It isusually derived from milk, and the people who use it say that it is a fastacting protein. It means that whey releases amino acids immediately and the effectslast for 2 to 3 hours. There are also several subtypes of whey, including: wheyisolate, zero carb whey and mega whey. Lactose free and low fat whey is knownas whey isolate. This type of whey can be easily digested and works very fast. Becauseit doesn’t contain any lactose, whey is recommended for people intolerant tothis substance. Zero carb whey is simply the pure whey protein, freed from allcarbohydrates. Mega whey usually contains additional substances, allegedlymaking the products more valuable and efficient. The most common additions are glutamineand creatine.
Soy proteins are believed to be good especially for women. Thispowder (and soy generally) contains isoflavones, natural precursor for estrogenand because of that it is not recommended for everyday use in men.
Egg proteins (as the name suggests) is derived from eggs. Itis proven to be rich in several amino acids (alanine, valine, phenylalanine andmethionine) what makes it highly appreciated protein powder.
Casein or PM protein is frequently recommended as theprotein to use before bedtime. It releases amino acids very slowly, for some 7hours, and is proven very useful in preservation of muscle tissue during sleep.
How to Choose Protein Powder
Nutritionists and bodybuilders suggest using the properproteins. It means that the purpose determines the type of proteins you should use.The amount of protein powder is calculated according to your physical activityduring the day and your weight. General recommendation (by the FDA) is that about20% of your daily caloric intake should come from proteins.
For pre-workout shakes use combination of casein and wheyproteins. It will ensure the energy for the beginning and throughout theexercise.
Post-workout shakes should be all whey, and before the bedtime, use powdered casein products, to prevent the muscle breakdown.
Caution Measures When Using Protein Powders
People suffering from kidney problems should stay away fromincreased intake of proteins. Powdered proteins might cause excess stress tothe kidneys, forcing them to release protein metabolites. Because of that, ifyou are experiencing kidney difficulties – don’t use protein powders. If not –there is no reason to worry about the harmful effect of these products.
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