Information on Whey Protein
Protein is one of the necessary nutrients required by thehuman body and it is the vital part of some processes. Proteins get synthesizedfrom the amino acids in the human body and there are two basic types ofproteins. Essential proteins get ingested into the human body by means ofeveryday diet, while non essential proteins get synthesized by the human body.
Whey protein is a product which actually contains lactose, fats, minerals and different types of proteins like beta-lactoglubolin, lactoferrin,immunoglobins, lactoperoxidases, albumin, lysozyme and lactalbumin. Wheyprotein is the most popular protein everywhere around the globe and is animportant part of every athlete’s diet.
It is preferred over other types ofproteins because of its high content of branch chain amino acid and asignificantly high biological value rating. It can also be absorbed by thehuman body rather easily.
Besides all that, its taste is very pleasant and itcan be consumed with different types of beverages. Whey protein is quiteoften an important part of every pregnant woman’s diet.
Side Effects of Whey Protein
Numerous fitness experts have different opinionswhen it comes to certain adverse effects which can sometimes be associated withthe consumption of whey protein.
The most common side effects that may or maynot be affiliated with whey protein include different types ofallergic reactions, osteoporosis, liver problems and kidney problems. Wheyprotein is an excellent source of lactose but it may trigger allergic reactionsin people who suffer from a medical condition known as lactose intolerance.Osteoporosis occurs in some people after a prolonged use of whey protein. Thesame can be said for the occurrence of kidney and liver damage in some people.
Whey protein may be very efficient in building the muscles and reducing therisk of certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure and cancer, butstill there are people who suffer from certain conditions triggered by the useof whey protein products. Lactose intolerance may be affiliated with certainallergic reactions triggered by the use of whey protein products, but those maybe resolved by using whey hydrolyzed or whey protein isolates.
Osteoporosis mayget developed because of an imbalance of minerals in the bones caused byprolonged use of whey protein products. Excessive amounts or prolonged use ofwhey protein products may be affiliated with liver or kidney damage but thereare still no scientific evidences of that.
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