What is Whey Protein?
Whey proteins are one of the most favorite food supplements in body building. This protein powder is quite refined and contains about 70-90% of proteins, depending on the level of refining, manufacturer, and price.Whey is a by-product of cheese making. It is useful for the organism because it contains minerals: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, vitamins, amino acids and proteins, having, at the same time, a lot of calories. Therefore, and because it quickly reaches all the organs, it compensates many deficits in the body.
Health Benefits
Whey proteins are the ideal choice when the organism is confronted with specific medical challenges. For example, it has a potentially positive effect on reduced appetite, high cholesterol, and even dental plaque and caries.In addition, promotes the regeneration of the liver so it is desirable to use it after a period of increased alcohol and unhealthy food intake to make this the biggest factory in the body recovered and trained for normal functioning.
Since whey includes most protein same as in the mother's milk, baby food, which contains whey proteins, is the second best infant food after breastfeeding (when it is not possible).
Whey is also an excellent source of protein for pregnant women, who have increased need for protein.
It contains complete proteins and provides to the body all the essential amino acids necessary for good health. Those who live an active life require a high level of energy that may be provided by taking these proteins. Whey proteins are also important for the athletes, as they are directly processed into muscle tissue, in contrast to other protein that are processed in the liver, providing quick muscle recovery after training.
Whey proteins are the ideal choice for older people, especially those with reduced appetite. In addition to providing energy to the body, whey proteins strengthen the immunity. Another major benefit of these proteins for the elderly is based on their ability to prevent osteoporosis.
Whey proteins are composed of the entire protein chain which includes beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, immunoglobulins, glycomacropeptide, Lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysosomes and BSA (bovine serum albumin). Beta-lactoglobulin binds the fat soluble vitamins, helping the body to exploit it more easily. Alpha-lactalbumin contains a lot of tryptophan - essential amino acid that has potential benefits for people with insomnia and stress. Immunoglobulins, as it is known, provide immunity to both kids and adults. Only they are able to bind calcium. Glycomacropeptide prevents the formation of plaque on the teeth and their deterioration. Lactoferrin, except the ability to bind iron and helps its utilization, prevents the growth of bacteria, including pathogens, and supports the development of useful, like bifidusbacteria, thus establishing a good intestinal flora. It can also help with inflammation. Besides that, lactoferrin prevents the growth of fungi. Lactoperoxidase prevents the growth of bacteria that depend on iron.
It is interesting that whey proteins may help with weight loss since they support muscle mass increasing. In addition, they provide sense of fullness because their effect on increasing level of hormones that reduce appetite. But in order to avoid diarrhea, one should not exaggerate with the whey taking.
The absence of milk sugar - lactose allows people who are allergic to milk to use this protein.
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