Health Is the Best Policy
We live in a world which is far less healthy than it used to be. What is more, we have created it this way. Since we already need to reap what we sew, we might as well get smarter and make significant changes in our lives in order to preserve our health and enable us to live long and happy lives. You need to know that health is not reflected solely through the absence of physical diseases. Rather, health is connected with all the aspects of our life: social, physical and mental. All these factors of life need to be balanced and well taken care of, in order for you to flourish. Therefore, preventing diseases and other problems is far better than treating them once the damage has already been made. Bearing that in mind, the following lines will try to give advice, helping one to go through the path of his/her life, as healthy aspossible.
Tips for Staying Healthy
To begin, it is absolutely crucial for you to be happy. Being troubled by stress your whole life is bound to make this life significantly shorter, due to the stimulation of cortisol, the stress hormone. This hormone triggers many problems in our organism, thus influencing the development of many diseases. Therefore, suppressing cortisol production is our greatest goal. Thus, do things you like, stay near people you enjoy spending time with, have regular sexual intercourse, have fun and laugh often. Your life might be longer and healthier than you could have ever expected.
Secondly, there is no life without sleep. Having that said, in order to ensure your proper physical and mental development, while keeping stress, cardiovascular and respiratory problems at bay, make sure you catch at least 8 hours of good quality sleep daily.
Logically, next is physical activity. You need to exercise in order to stay healthy. Your body needs to burn the extra calories you ensure through your intake. Also, your metabolism needs a good boost now and then, promoting health. So, dedicating 30 minutes, three times a week for your physical activities will not affect your busy schedule, but will affect your health in a more positive way than you can imagine.
Of course, quitting bad habits such as alcohol and smoking are crucial factors, if you want to live a long and healthy life, that is. This will keep you safe from many diseases, most of which are carcinogenic.
Finally, eat healthy. You need to ensure an intake which includes vitamins, minerals, essential omega3 acids and healthy fats. Thus, eat vegetables and fruit regularly, with low-fat meat like fish or poultry and drink sufficient amounts of water preventing dehydration.
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