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Yeasts are normally present on human skin, at least some of them. Living with these microorganisms is not a problem, since we don’t recognize them and they don’t bother us. The trouble starts when pathogenic yeasts (especially one type known as Candida albicans) start to grow rapidly and uncontrollably. This usually happens to people with weakened immune system, but it can occur in healthy people as well, especially in those who just ha finished some antibiotics. Pregnant women and small children are found to be very prone to yeast infections.

Appearance of Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are uncomfortable and annoying for anyone and at any age. However, no one can always avoid them. Such infections may appear in the mouth, tongue and throat and in women yeast infections may affect genital area. As the result, people could experience redness, irritation and burning of affected parts or areas of the body.

Yeast Rash in Pregnant Women

Any woman and especially pregnant woman may develop yeast infection. In most cases, it affects the vagina and surrounding tissues. What makes pregnant women so prone to these infections is high level of female sexual hormone estrogen during this period of life. Estrogen affects the moisture of the vagina and elevates it, making woman’s body susceptible to yeasts. Another reason for frequent yeast infections in pregnancy is increased level of sugar, which usually leads to faster multiplication of the yeasts.

Yeast Infection Symptoms

Symptoms of yeast and bacterial infections are often very similar. Both of these conditions, as well as some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) may provoke redness, itchiness and burning of the genital area in pregnant women. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to diagnose and properly treat your problem, consulting your doctor. Make sure to visit your doctor as soon as the symptoms appear, in order to avoid any possible complications and problems for you and unborn child you are carrying.

Yeast Infection Treatment

In most cases, yeast infections in pregnancy are treated with some creams or ointments. Certain medications should not be used by pregnant women, for they may lead to congenital disorders in babies. Diflucan is one of those drugs, so be careful not to use it during pregnancy.

Diaper Rash

As mentioned earlier, yeast infections are also frequent in small children. The use of diapers and their weak immune system are the causes of this problem, making them highly prone to diaper yeast rash, redness, lesions and even scales. Mothers with yeast infections may also transfer those in the child when breastfeeding him or her.

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