Breathing during physical activity is an important factor in body development. Proper breathing brings sufficient amount of oxygen to muscle and brain which helps the muscles work and grow, and keeps brain working properly under stress.
During a running workout, most professional trainers recommend 3:2 inhale-exhale ratio. For example, inhaling for 3 running steps, and exhaling for 2. This pace should oxygenate the muscle fully and clear the body of carbon dioxide. By starting at a slow pace it will be easier to adopt this breathing technique. Steady breathing will also lower the hearth rate.
As the running pace gets more intense, CO2 in the body speeds up the breathing pace, so the breathing ratio will naturally switch to 2:1. This will also result in heart rate and lactic acid production increase and decrease endurance. This is common for all cardio workouts like running, biking, swimming and so on.
During exercise that includes pushing, pulling and lifting efforts, breathing is much easier to remember. Inhaling is done while in resting position and exhaling is done on exertion. On bench press example, inhale when the weight is lowered to the chest, exhale when pushing the weight upwards. For pull-ups exhale while pulling up and inhale while going down.
Proper breathing during physical effort prevents various injuries like blood vessel strain and hernia. It also prevents high blood pressure. Physical therapy and heavy lifting include serious exercises and may prove harmful if done incorrectly. This is why consulting professional trainer or physician is advised before starting a new exercise program. By practicing deep breathing throughout daily activities the pressure during workouts is decreasing.
Good recipe for burning fat is oxygen combined with water. This is why it is important to breathe and hydrate properly. Daily dose of water should be half gallon for women and about one gallon for men. As a result the oxygen consumption will be increased.
Water and oxygen intake to the body will enable it to use the retained water on exertion. The retained water leaves the body with toxins and reduces weight almost instantly. This is far more efficient then sweating activities like sauna that only dehydrate the body. Proper hydrating and oxygen intake will make the body burn more fat. Physical activities like walking, jogging, biking, swimming or even heavy work in the yard all contribute to making the cardiovascular system stronger.
One of the useful exercises is trying to set a deep breathing rhythm during running. This will lower the hearth rate and save the energy for a strong push at the finish.
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