Weight reduction process is required for those people whohave problems with obesity. Obesity is slowly becoming widely spread across theentire globe, and it affects all cultures and social groups. Some experts say thatobesity is nothing more than a defensive mechanism, something that helpsdealing with stress and emotional problems. This might be partially true, butcertain percentage of obese people has extra weight because of the problemswith metabolism (for example, because of hypothyroidism). What are basic thingsthat have to be done when it comes to losing weight?
Workout for weight loss
Basically, no matter what physical activity is used,calories will be spent, and if the food cannot provide it, the organism willhave to compensate with the help of fat burning process. Actually, glycogen isdepleted first, which happens relatively quickly, and after that, fat tissue isused as a source of much needed energy. For increased pace of fat burning,cardio workout is recommended. This is because cardio workout is based on the useof oxygen. Oxygen inflow is allowed because muscle contraction in cardioworkout is slow. With oxygen present, lactic acid accumulates slowly and thatenables people to exercise for a long time (with cardio workout type). Cardioworkout includes running, swimming, aerobics, yoga etc. Running to lose weightis an excellent idea. This is because running is a natural movement and itactivates almost the entire body and all muscle groups. Back muscles, abs,legs, even arms slightly are all included in the process of running. Runningis something that also requires proper breathing, especially if it should lastfor a long time. Some recommend that the inhale should last two steps and theexhale also two steps. Breathing should be done through the nose becausethat will warm the air that enters the lungs, and also the dirt is stopped there.
Home workout
Running can be done at home too, with the help of treadmill.Incline and speed can be changed on the treadmill in order to create moreintensive training session. Lately, similar device has become popular and it iscalled elliptical trainer. The motion performed is similar to ski walking andit puts more strain on arms. Many say that elliptical trainer is better thantreadmill for weight loss because it utilizes more muscle groups and arms arealso very active. Furthermore, it might be a bit safer for ankles, because feetare always on the pads without the presence of body pressure.
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