As already well known, there are a lot of beneficial effects on the health in general that olive could provide. However, commonly praised is the olive fruit which is both beneficial, when eaten in the fresh form, and when the oil which is extracted from it, is consumed. Of course, the less processed the oil is by the heat, the healthier it is, so the extra virgin olive oil should be consumed.
Treatment for acne
Interestingly or expectedly, the olive is also successful in dealing with blemishes such as acne and for this purpose, even more effective are the olive leaves. Actually, the highly concentrated tincture of them is intended for the topical use in the case of acne. The key of this natural remedy is in the high concentration of the substances which kill bacteria. Consequently, the best effect could be provided with the combination of the tea based on these leaves, which is intended for the oral intake and the mentioned topical remedy. That way the bacteria are attacked from the outside, as well as from the inside.
The powerful antibacterial agents of the olive leaf, called flavonoids, actually kill the bacteria by destroying their membrane. Besides this kind of effect, the characteristic of reducing the inflammation places the olive leaf among the most effective remedies for getting rid of acne. When using the olive leaf, either orally or topically, one must be careful about the possible negative effects this plant might provoke. Some of the most common are the hypotension and the decreased level of the sugar in the blood. Also, one should be aware of the risk of the sudden bleeding, especially during pregnancy.
When it comes to the beneficial effect on the skin, or to be more precise, in dealing with the problem of acne and the permanent scars, (which as well can be of the darker colour than the rest of the skin) as their consequences, fortunately, this remedy could be found in many forms, such as in the form of the capsules, as the olive leaf extract (in liquid or in the powdered form), and simply as the amount of the leaves in the dry form which are suitable for making the tea. As already mentioned, one is free to use the mentioned products, either orally or topically (by applying the remedy directly onto the acne).
Of course, another skin conditions, such as for example, boils, warts or rashes, can be treated with the leaf from olive. And, at the end, it is necessary to emphasize that, besides the antibacterial, the olive leaf contains the chemicals that effectively destroy fungi and viruses.
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