New helper
Given the fact thatherpes falls into the category of the conditions that tend to befall people ona fairly regular basis, in the recent years, more and more attention has beenpaid to it, which led to the discovery and development of new treatment techniques.One of such techniques, which have been given quite a lot of considerationlately, is the olive leaf extract. Since it is endowed with powerfulantimicrobial properties, the extract in question is regarded as extremelyefficient virus inhibitor that brings about no side effects whatsoever.
As far as herpes isconcerned, just about everybody is familiar with its contagious nature. These characteristicscome from none other but herpes simplex virus, type 1 and 2 to be more precise.Also, since herpes can occur in different areas on the body, we differentiatebetween two distinct types, i.e. the oral herpes and the genital herpes. The formervariety is known to be a direct consequence of the effect of type 1 herpessimplex strain, whereas the latter occurs due to the presence of type 2 herpessimplex strain. The manifestations themselves are also variable in nature,meaning that they range from moderate all the way to those pretty severe andserious ones. The intensity depends on the strength of the person’s immunesystem, as well as on the condition of the immune system at the time the herpesattack occurs.
Unfortunately, evenwith the huge advancements in medicine, up to the present day, the 100% efficientcure has not been discovered. This, however, does not mean that there aren’tany remedies that can ease the condition and help a person put it to sleep. Foundto provide such relief is various antiviral drugs, as well as numerousremedies herbal in nature. In addition, timely discovery and proper handling ofthe initial outbreak can aid a person prevent the recurrent herpes outbreaks.
Wondrous extract
One natural remedythat is regarded as extremely helpful and effective in relieving the overallsymptoms and bringing the outbreak under control is the extract derived fromthe olive leaf. It's most prominent active constituents such as thephytochemical oleuropein, calcium elenolate and elenol acid is known to possesthe ability to put the virus to sleep by way of acting on the outer protein coating.What is even more miraculous is that, when this extract is employed on a regularbasis, the herpes simplex viruses are either made dysfunctional or destroyed for good.
Important to mentionis the fact that the extract in question is found to be effective for thetreatment of both, the oral, as well as the genital herpes. The recommendedapplication is 2 to 3 times minimum in the course of the day and the extractthat should be employed is the one containing at least 20% of oleuropein.
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