First recordings of the olive leaf usage have appeared inancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. It was believed that olive leaves possess somedivine qualities, and because of that they were used to treat various medicalconditions. Since these ancient times, olive leaf extract has been proved to preventdifferent health problems, especially those caused by some viruses, bacteria orfungi. The studies reveal that olive leaf extract can prevent the infection,due to the ability to stop the multiplication of a viral particle in the humanbody.
Uses of Olive Leaf Extract
This extract is still found in use all over the world,particularly in the areas of the world with olive trees. It is used as theremedy booster of the immune system and against various fungal, viral andbacterial infections. Some suggest that olive leaf extract could be useful inthe treatment of allergies, fever, sinus infections, malaria or even pneumonia.It is also used as the additional treatment useful to prevent the HIVinfections. These additional uses still haven’t been confirmed by scientificresearch, and there is no proof that it will work. However, people have usedolive leaf extract and claim that it cured their conditions.
Olive leaf extract has been found helpful for the controlof asthma and arthritis symptoms. Preliminary studies on animals show promisingresults in lowering heightened blood pressure and controlling hypertension. Sincethere is some evidence on animal based studies, olive leaf extract couldalso be useful in controlling the level of blood sugar in humans.
Additionally, studies about the potential use of thisextract for the prevention of cancers are still ongoing.
When to Be Cautious
Don’t use olive leaf extract with antibiotic medications,since they might decrease their efficiency.
There were no other recorded unwanted effects of oliveleaf extract beside the potential sensitivity to the remedy. However, it isalways good to consult a certified herbalist and your doctor before you startusing this remedy.
How Much Extract Should Be Used
It is very important to know the exact dosage that should beused for the treatment of your medical condition, in order to achieve bestpossible results of this herbal remedy. The dosage can be anything from 60 toalmost 500mg, and it can be used as capsule or as the liquid.
Herbalists suggest using 2 full droppers (if the extract isin liquid form), twice per day, always on the empty stomach. For infections,dosage is slightly different, and the recommendation is 2 full droppers every 2hours. People suffering from fever should use 3 full droppers on every 2 hours.Capsulated olive leaf extract is recommended to be used once or twice a dayif the capsule contains 500mg of extract.
Most doctors and herbalists agree that children should usehalf of the dosage for adults. Always be careful not to give too much oliveleaf extract to the child, since they might be sensitive to this remedy.
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