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It's that time of the year again, and the first Christmas parties will soon come round. We got our Christmas tree yesterday, and had great fun decorating it. And we're looking forward to enjoying an alcoholic beverage or two during the holidays as well. If you are pregnant, you don't want to miss out on the fun and the festive atmosphere of course. If you still want to feel a part of all that drinking, here are some great non-alcoholic Christmas drink ideas for you. Cheers!

Pour a glass half full with orange juice then add some blackberry syrup. Then pour fizzy water on top, and you get a great looking and nice tasting non-alcoholic cocktail. Because you can clearly see three different layers, it is really gorgeous. For a spectacular looking Christmas smoothie, put a handful of cranberries, a tiny piece of beet root, a sweet apple, one medium banana, and some ice cubes into the blender. This smoothie contains lots of goodness and it tastes so nice that alcohol can't beat it!

If others are enjoying gluwein, why not make a nice tea out of some fresh lemon and ginger and add some honey? The ginger will certainly give you an extra boost and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, just like warm wine does! Another great smoothie can be made by combining mixed frozen berries, yoghurt, and a touch of maple syrup. A classy but simple champagne replacer can be made by mixing white grape juice with some fizzy water. That way, you can still make those obligatory toasts! This is a great drink for new year's eve as well as during Christmas parties. Looking for other Christmas topics? We will have more of those this month! Also check, Due around Christmas? Why having a holiday-season baby is great. And if you want to hide your new pregnancy for the time being, look at how to avoid the obligatory Christmas drinks.

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