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For some people Christmas is the best celebration of them all, and something that they look forward to all year round. For others, it is a dreaded family obligation that involves its fair share of stress, arguments with relatives, and long journeys. Which ever category you belong to, the holiday season can be a bit of a challenge when you are pregnant. Christmas is only five days away how are you going to enjoy it when you are pregnant?

If you are newly pregnant and your friends and relatives don't know yet, keeping your pregnancy a secret is especially difficult during Christmas, when most people drink alcohol and spend a lot of time together. If you are not drinking, but instead are overcome by extreme fatigue (like most women in their first trimester) or you're running to the bathroom to throw up all the time, keeping your secret is hard.

Yet, if you are happy to announce your pregnancy, Christmas can be a wonderful occasion for that. Many couples are going to announce their pregnancy in fun ways during the holiday season. For grandparents, or future aunts and uncles, your bun in the oven can be the best Christmas present of all.

Of course, for those women whose pregnancies are already close to ending, you have a great excuse to get out of those obligatory "celebrations" altogether. Don't feel like it? Say that you are sitting out your Christmas at home in case labor starts or your water breaks is something nobody is going to blame you for. How to enjoy being pregnant at Christmas if you are going to a party? Simply said, if you love Christmas, it might be even better this year. Get other people to do the dishes, and prepare the Christmas meal. Allow yourself to be pampered, because pregnant women deserve that.

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