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Are you pregnant, and due around Christmas? You probably get lots of negative comments about having a baby during the holiday season, but there are plenty of reasons why having a Christmas baby is wonderful, too! Let's take a look at why being due on or around December 25 means you and your baby have a lot to look forward to!

My youngest child was born between Christmas and the new year. Though he's too young to be able to know if he likes having a holiday season birthday or not yet, I have to say that birthdays are only relevant once a year.

Every date has its own advantages and disadvantages, but Christmas is quite a biggie. These are some fun reasons why having a Christmas baby is great. And one other great reason if you're still pregnant now, it won't be much longer until you will be holding your sweet baby! Congratulations!

While you are pregnant

1) Nobody will expect you to throw a Christmas party while you are about to go into labor. You will have a very legitimate excuse to avoid those horrible, obligatory drunken office Christmas parties, and you can even avoid your own family's party. If, like me, you are one of those women who has always hated Christmas parties, this is a wonderful perk!

2) Whether you will give birth in a hospital, a birth center, or at home, if you deliver during the holiday season, everyone will be in a Christmas mood, and your birth will teach you a thing or two about the true spirit of Christmas as well.

For future birthdays

3) You'll never have to take extra time off for your child's birthday, and he or she will always have lots of family around for birthday. Once your kid grows up, he or she will still have the pleasure of automatically getting the day off during birthdays!

4) Because your child will be having their birthday and Christmas to celebrate, they'll get to ask for bigger and more expensive gifts! Well, this one is great for your child, perhaps not so much for you :). If you're newly pregnant, here's our tips on how to avoid the obligatory Christmas drinks without being "detected". If you do want to tell, see fun ways to announce your pregnancy!

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