Christmas is just a few short weeks away! Are you hoping to make this Christmas a truly magical one for your young toddler? Many adults look back on the holidays they spent as children with either fondness or horror generally, children remember how they spent Christmas with their family for the rest of their life. Let's make it a good one this year! Here are some things you can do to make Christmas very memorable for your toddler, in a good way.

Go to buy a Christmas tree together as a family, and involve your child in the process of choosing. Buy a special Christmas tree decoration for each of your children every year, so that they will have a nice collection by the time they leave home. Advent calendars bring a little of the excitement of Christmas before the big day actually rolls around. Make one or buy one, and let your toddler open one day each morning. If you don't "do" Santa Claus, helping your child to buy small Christmas gifts for relatives and friends is a great way to show your little one that Christmas is all about making others happy.
Start a family tradition, something that belongs just to you: whether it's buying new pajamas for each family member every Christmas, or eating a special food, or playing board games, these small things really do make Christmas special. Make Christmas cards from scratch together. Almost every toddler loves doing crafts, and people will like receiving a card handmade by a child too it is so much more special than just buying cards!
If you do Santa Claus, have one family member dress up as Santa and deliver presents. Christmas can be a stressful time for parents cooking for extended family, spending money on presents, and other things associated with this time of year can make us very cranky. Make sure to take the time to relax and enjoy this time too.
- Photo courtesy of Virginia State Parks by Flickr:
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