What Can Cause Hip Pain?
There are so many different causes of hip pain that it makes nearly impossible to mention all of them and determine what exactly causes night hip pain in certain patient. However, some causes are more common, such as muscle strains, bursitis, arthritis and osteonecrosis. Surgeries to sort out hip fractures, improper posture or some chronic bone diseases may also be the reason behind hip pain at nighttime.
Some patients may suffer from hip pains related to their workout or stretching. Too much exercising or over-stretching of the muscles around hip and pelvic area may lead to hip pain at night and affect your sleep. Muscle and groin pulls and hamstrings can strain the muscles and provoke these night hip pains.
Bursitis in the hip (inflammation of bursae sacks around the hip joint) may be the cause of stiffness and pain around the hip area. This part of the body becomes very tender and people usually can’t sleep on the side of the body which hurts.
Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are frequently found out to cause night hip pain in elderly patients, especially in women. Limitation of blood flow in certain cells of the bones may lead to cell death and weaken the bones, leading to osteonecrosis and sharp pain near the hip. This condition is also more likely to affect older patients because of the change in bone structure with aging.
Possible Treatment Options
Complete medical checkup is recommended to all patients suffering from night hip pains. You and your doctor need to know exact cause of the problem in order to treat it effectively. You might be also advised to perform some physical therapy and learn how to sit and walk with right posture.
Persistent pains in the hip that last for a long period of time may indicate problems in the bones of the hips. To be sure what it is and to learn how to treat this condition make sure to visit your doctor and get checked.
Some doctors advise their patients to take calcium supplements to strengthen the bones and prevent any potential hip pains in the future.
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