Hip Bursitis
Bursitis is inflammation of bursa sacks filled with fluid. These sacks are here to enable smooth functioning of the muscles, tendons and bones. Movement is therefore completely painless with some healthy bursa sacks. Inflammation, however, provokes pain during some regular body movements because of the friction. Additionally, tendons and muscles moving over these inflamed bursa sacks only worsen existing problem.
Bursitis may affect different parts of the body, including the bursa sacks in the hip. Many patients suffering from hip bursitis can’t perform usual and normal movements because of the pain they are feeling.
Natural treatments are becoming increasingly popular for this and every other type of pain, usually because of the affordable price and efficacy they achieve. Many people choose natural over modern treatment options because of the safety issues.
Prevent the Problem
Prevention is your best bet when it comes to bursitis hip pain. Make sure to provide plenty of vitamins and minerals for your body and you won’t have to worry about hip pains. In most cases, patients suffering from hip bursitis lack vitamin B12 and calcium, so if you want to prevent this condition use the food or supplements rich in them. Green leafy vegetables, milk and dairy products are found out to be beneficial for bursitis hip pains.
Similarly useful remedy for prevention of bursitis hip pain is the mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey and water. Drinking this should promote proper functioning of the hip and positively affect any inflammation present in this part of the body.
Possible Natural Treatments
People with hip pains caused by bursitis often use ice to relieve the pain and inflammation.
Another option is to use a cloth soaked in mullein tea and apply to the painful area. Keep the cloth there for some 20 minutes every hour and it should take away the pain. Avoid leaving the cloth constantly on the skin, for it can cause irritation.
Lobelia oil is also frequently recommended for hip bursitis pain. You should apply this oil to the affected hip and it is said to be able to relieve the pain.
Combination of herbs such as horsetail, meadowsweet and willow bark, taken 3 times per day is also believed to be effective against hip bursitis pains.
Patients suffering from this problem may also use some strong Aloe vera creams. Applied to the painful hip, these creams should reduce inflammation and ease bursitis.
Some people claim that a chamomile tea drank just before bedtime every night can help you with bursitis hip pain.
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