Causes of hip pain
There are many different causes for pain in the hip, and of course, it is very important to get a proper diagnosis in order to treat the problem properly. One of the most common causes of hip pain is arthritis, but thankfully, there are many treatments available for arthritis. If the more conservative treatments are not effective, the last option will be a hip replacement surgery. Another common cause of pain in the hip is trochanteric bursitis, which causes an inflammation of the bursa and serious amount of pain emanating from the outside of the hip joint. Tendonitis can also lead to serious hip pain, and this condition affects the tendons that surround the hip joint. Usually, it is a case of IT tendonitis, which is an inflammation of the iliotibial band.
When a person has lumbar pain it can lead to back problems, which can in turn cause problems and pain in the area of the hips and buttocks. Also, when people are suffering from a herniated disc or sciatica, they tend to have problems with hip pain as well. Another condition that can cause serious amounts of pain is called snapping hip syndrome. In this condition there are several problems that occur with the hip – first the IT band snaps over to the outside of the thigh, then the deep hip flexor snaps over the front of the hip joint, after which the cartilage tears around the hip socket. Muscle strains can also lead to hip pain, naturally, when the strained muscles are the ones that surround the hip and pelvis. This usually occurs when someone strains their groin or pulls a hamstring muscle. One of the most serious problems that can cause hip pain is a fracture of the hip bone. This occurs commonly to elderly people, especially if they have osteoporosis. Treatment
Of course, the treatment of the problem will depend on the cause of the pain, which is why a proper diagnosis is so crucial. Rest is essential in order to get rid of the pain. Make sure you allow the hip to rest so that the inflammation will go down. It is usually a good idea to use crutches to walk in order to keep pressure off of the hip so that it is able to heal upper faster. Ice and heat can be applied as well in order to relieve the pain and swelling. Stretching is another good idea, because it always helps to keep the muscles and tendons around the hip active and well-stretched.
In more severe cases it might be a good idea to go to physical therapy sessions where a trained profession will show you exercise that will help to relieve the pain and improve the strength of the hip and all of the bones and tendons that surround it.
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