Natural skin care recipes
Every person can tell if someone is healthy or not just by the look of his or her skin. A skin that is glowing, clear and beautiful is a sure sign that that person is pretty healthy. A person can have a skin like this by using some natural skin care ingredients from the Earth. These are all natural. There are plenty of foods, herbs and oils which can help us improve the look of the skin and make it look more hydrated and moisturized.
Natural skin care
Pumpkin face mask
The ingredients needed for the making of a pumpkin face mask are one medium sized pumpkin, four pineapple chunks, one table spoon of nicely ground oats and almonds, one tablespoon of milk and honey, two drops of rose geranium essential oil and one drop of rose essential oil.
A person will need to slice the pumpkin into six to eight pieces and get rid of the skin. Next, he or she will place them in a microwave safe dish with a quarter of a cup of water. This should be microwaved for 2 minutes and then allowed to cool. After that, a person should remove the peel. When a person has done that, he or she should put the pumpkin flesh, seeds and strings along with the pineapple chunks into a food processor and blend it until it becomes smooth. Then oats, almonds, milk, honey and essential oils should be added to the mixture and blended shortly. This is then supposed to be applied to the face and neck and then washed after 20 minutes with warm water.
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