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Information on Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most important essential minerals and it is present in large amounts in the human body. Each human body contains approximately 25 grams of magnesium and at least half of it is usually located in the bones. Magnesium is a vital part of hundreds of different chemical reactions that are required to keep the human body working in a proper manner.

Most people get magnesium from the daily diet, but sometimes one may need to take magnesium supplements when the levels of this precious mineral get too low. Women tend to suffer from low levels of magnesium more than men. Most types of food that are rich in fiber are also rich in fiber. Those types of food usually include legumes, water, whole grains, coffee, broccoli, chocolate, squash, meats, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, seeds, and nuts.

Magnesium is of utmost importance for those who need to prevent or treat magnesium deficiency. It can also come in very handy when it comes to the treatment of constipation and the preparation of the bowel for numerous different types of diagnostic or surgical procedures because it has potent laxative properties. One can also use it as an antacid because it is of great help for acid indigestion. Magnesium can also be very beneficial for those who suffer from chest pain, heart attack, irregular heartbeat, heart valve disease, high blood pressure, low levels of good cholesterol in the blood and high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

There are also a lot more different medical conditions which may be prevented or treated with magnesium and they include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hearing loss, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, hay fever, Lyme disease, asthma, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, leg cramps, kidney stones, diabetes, urinary incontinence, migraines, altitude sickness, headaches, premenstrual syndrome and osteoporosis.

Magnesium is also known for its ability to increase endurance and energy. It is also good for the treatment of boils, skin ulcers and carbuncles and it also speeds up the healing process. Magnesium is one of the most important elements that are required for the proper health, growth and maintenance of bones, nerves and muscles.

Magnesium Side Effects

Magnesium is usually safe for most people but in some cases it may cause certain side effects such as stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea andvomiting. Other side effects may include irregular heartbeat, coma, low blood pressure, slowed breathing, confusion and in some cases even death. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should take care before taking magnesium supplements. The same can be said for those who suffer from kidney problems and heart block.

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