Information on Potassium Deficiency
If a person suffers from potassium deficiency, that may leadto very serious medical conditions. Thus medical condition is also sometimes referredto as hypokalemia. This medical condition is not that common and it is quiterare, but it still may occur in persons who do not ingest sufficient amounts ofpotassium on a regular, daily basis. If left untreated, this medical conditionmay be life threatening in some cases. Potassium deficiency may also be associatedwith the use of certain types of medications such as insulin, fluconazole,corticosteroids, bantacids and amphotericin. Potassium is an essential mineraland an electrolyte and it is of utmost importance for the proper functioning ofthe muscles, bones, heart and the kidneys. The most common side effects of lowlevels of potassium in the human body may or may not include very dry skin,constant thirst, retaining salt, fatigue, recurring chills, frequentconstipation, persistent diarrhea, frequent headaches, persistent vomiting,glucose intolerance, persistent nausea, heart attack, muscle cramps, highlevels of cholesterol in the blood, low blood pressure, insomnia and anirregular heartbeat. If left untreated, hypokalemia leads to certain medicalconditions such as low blood pressure, increased levels of cholesterol in theblood and heart attacks. It may also be affiliated with the permanent scarringof the kidneys.
Low levels of potassium may be associated with certainmedical conditions such as Crohn’s disease, kidney disease, cystic fibrosis,heart diseases, alcoholism, respiratory failure, anemia, diabetes,malnutrition, vomiting and anorexia. Oneshould always eat a healthy and balanced diet which include plenty of fruitsand vegetables in order to provide the body with different sorts of essentialminerals. Those who ingest plenty of sodium need to ingest even more potassium.Good sources of potassium include lima beans, bananas, chicken, avocados,salmon and tomatoes. Another great source of potassium is apple cidervinegar. One should consume all of theaforementioned food items on a regular basis in order to prevent hypokalemia.
The aging process decreases the functionality of thekidneys, and that may also be one of the causes of hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemiais a medical condition in which a person suffers from too much potassium in thebody. One must always have a healthy balance of potassium in the body so that itmay function properly. Hyperkalemia may also be associated with certain seriousmedical conditions. Magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium are electrolytesand they are very important for the production of electricity in the humanbody.
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