Information on Calcium
Calcium is one of the most important nutrients. The humanbody requires calcium on a daily basis in order to function properly. Calciumis an integral part of the health and development of bones and teeth. It isrequires so that the human body can fight certain medical conditions such asdepression, cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, high levels of cholesterolin the blood, obesity and osteoporosis. Calcium is very important for theproper functioning of the nerves and the muscles. It is very important toadminister calcium in the required amounts since too little or too much calciumcan be associated with certain side effects.
Low Calcium Side Effects
The medical condition which is characterized by low levelsof calcium in the human body is called hypocalcemia. It is one of the mostsignificant side effects associated with the low levels of calcium in the humanbody. Other side effects of low calcium may contain high levels of irritation.Female patients may experience pre-eclampsia of pregnancy. Certain other sideeffects of low calcium include depression, deformed spinal column, irritabilityand an increased blood pressure. A person may also experience weakness, severeheart contractions, fatigue, electrolyte disturbances, muscle strain, increasedfrequency of urination and muscle cramps. Some cases have also includes brittlenails, disorientation, fragile bones, excessive sleepiness, eye twitching andconfusion. Low calcium levels in the human body may also sometimes beaffiliated with several different types of eye infections. Female patients may sometimesexperiences severe instances of pre-menstrual syndrome. Low calcium levels mayalso gradually lead to different types of bone diseases. Some patients havereported numbness and tingling sensations in the fingers and the toes. Otherside effects of low calcium levels may or may not include constipation, poorappetite, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.
Excessive Calcium Side Effects
Calcium side effects may also be affiliated with excessivecalcium levels in the human body. That medical condition is referred to ashypercalcemia. Excessive calcium side effects may include excessive drowsiness,plaque in the arteries and excessive sleepiness. Some persons have reportedgas, abdominal pain, belching, excessive sweating, flatulence, fever andconstipation as well. Other side effects may include kidney stones, frequenturination, muscle weakness, sudden drops in the heart rate, vomiting andnausea. Excessive amounts of calcium in the human body may also sometimes beaffiliated with certain types of allergic reactions which can be characterizedby symptoms such as hives, wheezing, itching, swollen lips, swollen throat andswollen mouth.
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