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Information on Atenolol

All different types of medications may or may not be associated with certain bothersome side effects. It all depends on a large number of different types of factors and a person may not experience any side effects caused by a medicament while another person may experience the most severe adverse effects after taking the same medicament. Minor side effects of atenolol usually include cold fingers, weakness, cold toes, tiredness, diarrhea, nausea, drowsiness and dizziness.

Persons who take atenolol may also experience certain severe types of side effects affiliated with the medication, such as skin rash, slow heartbeat, hives, unusual bleeding, difficulty breathing, unusual bruising, tightness in the chest, swelling of the feet, swelling of the mouth, swelling of the ankles, swelling of the face, swelling of the hands, swelling of the lips, unusual weight gain, swelling of the tongue, shortness of breath, blue fingernails, lightheadedness, blue toenails, dizziness, blue palms, mood problems, decreased sexual ability, mental problems and fainting.

The same types of minor and severe side effects can be triggered by using atenolol in the form of tablets.

Side Effects by Body System

Cardiovascular side effects of atenolol are not that common and they usually include certain medical conditions such as bradycardia, increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, hypo-tension and decreased levels of good cholesterol in the blood, flushing and precipitation of heart failure. Side effects of the nervous system triggered by the use of atenolol usually include sleep disturbance, acute central nervous system disturbances, depression, organic anxiety disorder and headaches.

These side effects usually occur only in rare cases. Gastrointestinal side effects of atenolol commonly include certain symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. In certain extremely rare cases, atenolol may also be affiliated with hypersensitivity reactions. The same can be said for certain types of hepatic dysfunctions, especially when it comes down to the occurrence of such medical conditions as cholecystitis and reversible liver dysfunction.

Atenolol is also known for causing certain types of dermatologic side effects. These side effects also occur in rare cases but they may include septal panniculitis, multiple erythematous and skin lesions. Endocrine side effects of atenolol are usually experienced by those who suffer from hyperthyroidism. Genitourinary side effects of atenolol commonly include breast pain, breast tenderness, breast swelling and in some cases even a decreased libido. Metabolic side effects of atenolol include unusual induction of weight gain and a reduced thermogenic response to certain types of food.

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