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What is magnesium citrate used for and what is it exactly?

Magnesium citrate is another name for citric acid and magnesium salt, which is enough to conclude what this chemical agent is made of. Due to the high amount of magnesium that it contains, as well as due to the fact that the body can easily absorb magnesium from this agent, particularly before the surgery, it is regarded as an important additional source of this mineral and very frequently suggested as a nutritional supplement. Although it is usually used as a Saline laxative, the roles of this essential mineral are numerous. Synthesis of fats, proteins and nucleic acid cannot be performed without it, but it is also essential for a proper functioning of the heart, kidneys and the immune system. Prevention of blood clots and muscle contractions are also some of its functions, which means that it can also be used as a muscle relaxant. It is also beneficial in cases of women who use oral contraceptives, and it seems that it relieves the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Are there any side effects of magnesium citrate?

As long as those who use it pay attention to the recommended and allowed dosage, magnesium citrate cannot cause any side effects. On the other side, if the dosage is exceeded, possible consequences may not be life threatening, but they certainly are numerous and may be very serious. Those who should be extra careful before beginning to use it are pregnant women and lactating mothers, and it is recommended that they address to their doctor and see with him whether it is safe or not. The same goes for people who suffer from kidney diseases, or heart problems of any kind. Children younger than 6 are not to be given magnesium citrate, but any child older than 6 should not be given more than 6 mg. As for the possible interaction with other medications, there are no studies about it, which means that it can be safely combined with other medications, although it is suggested to make a pause of at least 2 hours.

Some of the side effects include severe diarrhea, headache, pain in the throat, and rash. Hypocalcemia, hypotension, muscle weakness, mental confusion, depression, and respiratory paralysis are some of the most serious side effects, as well as allergic reaction, which should be treated as soon as possible.

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