Is It Good Just Because It Makes YouFeel Good?
Numerous people have tried marijuana atsome point of their lives. Many have made this type of consumption afrequent habit. Namely, marijuana, weed or pot, as it is called aswell, is a plant which, upon being smoked or eaten causesintoxication with the possibility of mood changes and hallucinations.Therefore, even though many claim that there is no harm in thisaction, many claim the opposite. In fact, there are many drawbacksmarijuana consumption brings about one's health and overallwell-being. Thus, everyone should take the following facts intoserious consideration before claiming this plant to be harmless for aperson's consumption.
Negative Aspects of MarijuanaConsumption
First and foremost, being intoxicatedby something, making your senses fail, and your bodily coordinationimproper, certainly does not make it healthy. Thus, all the temporaryeffects of marijuana consumption serve against it. Additionally,smoking marijuana interferes with your memory and concentration,decreasing them significantly.
Secondly, chemicals present inmarijuana trigger special receptors in one's brain affecting both theaspects of your consciousness mentioned above, as well as yourperception of time and orientation.
As far as your heart and cardiovascularsystem are concerned, marijuana smoking influences these as well.Namely, it decreases one's blood pressure while, at the same time,increasing the pulse. This may easily lead to numerous heartproblems including cardiac arrest, since the chances of heart failureare multiplied by four while under the influence of cannabis.Moreover, this is triggered after the first several minutes of abuseof this psychoactive substance.
Although there are cases of eatingbrownies or cakes baked with marijuana inside, the main misuse ofthis plant involves smoking it in a form of paper wrapped joint.Therefore, it is not strange that it influences a person's lungsnegatively. In fact, marijuana smoke increases a person's chances ofdeveloping lung cancer. Shockingly, this increase goes up to 70%. Noteven tobacco smoke is able to pose such a threat. Therefore,respiratory problems, lung diseases, cough, and many other symptoms ofthis type are likely to trouble those who enjoy marijuana smokingoften.
Finally, there are many other healthissues related to the abuse of this drug, some more serious than theothers. Therefore, even though you think it is good for you becauseit relaxes you and makes you happy, think again. Marijuana smoking isvery dangerous on the long run, potentially causing development oflife-threatening conditions.
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