Exercising is truly important for the health of the organism, but there are some things people should be careful about. Warming up and stretching are important elements of each training session and thus they must not be skipped. These are essential elements because they should prevent certain injuries from happening, including strains, spasms, cramps, muscle tear etc.
Initial phase
Stretching and extending muscles is important because it actually activates muscle fibers into working in the opposite way when compared to their activation during the training session. This will prevent the mentioned medical issues and it will also prevent shortening of the muscles, which can happen when only Flexing is performed for a long period. For example, sit ups, crunches, leg raising, they all use Flexing of abdominal muscles. In order to create perfect six pack, extension of the abdominal region must be performed. This can be done by doing backbend and holding that position for as long as possible.
Warming up is necessary for reaching a so-called working temperature, which is also needed for an effective workout. Stretching and warming up the joints will help a person avoid strains of ligaments, which can happen very easily. Sadly, in spite of all efforts, some injuries do happen, and those are usually back pain problems.
Inverse position
When big weight is lifted without proper warm up or if a body is too exhausted, there is a high risk of pinching the nerve in the spinal column between two vertebras. This might cause different levels of pain and definitely swelling of the surrounding tissue, which will spread the pain throughout the body. Sometimes, pain can get to the feet. It does not always have to be pain; tingling and itching can be sensed as well, but it is still a discomfort. When this happens, there are several things that could be done. Of course, visiting a doctor is smart, in order to establish how serious the injury is. Also, there are some exercises that can help. Sit ups performed on an inversion table might help a lot.
What are inversion table benefits? Inversion table is similar to normal table with one big difference. It can be rotated for 90 degrees, so if a person is on the table with strapped legs, he or she will find themselves in inverse position, with the head down and feet up. This is an excellent position for stretching the body and increasing the length of the spine column as much as possible. This might alleviate the problem of pinched nerve by creating some more distance between the vertebras and releasing the nerve.
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