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Exercising today differs a lot from exercising only coupleof decades ago. This is thanks to the development made by science, which allowedus to use many tools and instruments in the training process. But, the basicsare still the same.

Types of exercising

Exercising can point us toward increased fat burning ortoward increasing muscle mass. Increased fat burning is done with the help ofcardio exercises. Those exercises include swimming, running, use of treadmill,aerobics, yoga etc. Actually, all those exercises that utilize low strengthlevel and can be repeated for a long time are included in cardio workout. Sincethe muscle tension is at low level, oxygen has enough time to enter the musclecell and to prevent the occurrence of lactic acid. Lactic acid is the mainreason tiredness affects muscles and therefore, the exercise has to stop at onemoment. There is also another type of training, we might call it a subtype ofcardio workout and that is interval training. It is all about the changing the pace of exercising, which should be applied, for example, while running, jogging and sprinting. Also, duration and intensity of those two elements should bechanging constantly. Why is this important?

The habit

When a person exercise with a certain tempo, and if thetempo never changes, it is obvious that at some point, the organism will getused to that exercise, almost as if it is some sort of physical habit. When thathappens, fewer calories are spent for executing that activity. That is somethingwe want to change and therefore, the organism needs to think that there is noneed for preservation of the calories (fat tissue). Therefore, when running,sprints must be added. Another interesting option is interval training ontreadmill, especially for those who do not have enough time for getting to ajogging track or a gym. Also, there are people who simply prefer exercising athome; it does have its own benefits. This is why a good treadmill needs to bebought with an easy access to changing pace and angle, for increasing anddecreasing the intensity of physical activity, which is essential for a proper intervaltraining. Interval training is excellent form for improved fat reduction andshould be implemented in all workout schedules. Since we have been mentioningthe importance of pace and exercise changing, interval training should be donetwice, maybe three times in a week. Other days should be occupied withdifferent workout types.

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