Sinusitis is a clinical term for the inflammation of the sinuses, which are the tiny cavities placed in the bones of our face. The main role of the sinuses is to secrete mucus, which enters the nose in order to wash off all the microbes and particles that tend to accumulate there. Afterwards, the mucus is swallowed up and the microbes and pollutants are then destroyed by the stomach acid. This process occurs constantly since it is a natural one, but we are not aware of it.
Sinusitis is a condition that can be easily diagnosed based on observing the symptoms since they are quite recognizable. The people suffering from sinusitis typically experience sinus headaches, while feeling a thumbing pain and pressure in the regions of eyes, cheeks and nose. Furthermore, the people with sinusitis are normally congested with thick nasal discharge and they have a bad breath. Cough and fever may also appear among the symptoms of sinusitis.
Causes of sinus pain and pressure
There are various conditions that contribute to the occurrence of sinusitis, like common cold, the flu and allergies, since these conditions cause the inflammation of the sinuses. When this happens, the nasal membrane becomes swollen and the mucus is overproduced, thus blocking the nasal passageway. Due to this blockage, the mucus cannot flow normally and the air either, so that it results in exertion of the excessive pressure and the mucus is build up in the sinuses as a consequence. It is observed that the occurrence of the sinus pain and pressure depends on the sinus which is involved, since the pain mainly appears in the area behind the eyes or between the eyes, as well as in the forehead.
When bacterial sinus infection develops, it can be identified by the presence of yellow-green mucus. The bacteria that often affect the sinuses and are responsible for the incidence of acute sinusitis include S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and M. catarrhalis, while the bacteria called S. aureus, as well as anaerobes, cause chronic sinusitis.Acute sinusitis may last from 2 to 8 weeks, and if the pain and pressure continue, the acute sinusitis develops into chronic sinusitis.Treatment for sinus pain and pressure
Sinus pain and pressure, as well as the nasal congestion, can be successfully alleviated by certain medicines like painkillers, decongestants and antihistamines, as well as by nasal sprays, antibiotics and nasal corticosteroids. On the other side, the best home remedy for sinusitis is the inhalation of the steam.
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