Sinus pressure is usually caused by an inflammation. The sinuses are air-filled cavities in the bones of the face, surrounding the nose, above the eyebrows and below the eyes. Sinuses are connected with the nasal cavity by an opening. Their main function is to filter unwanted particles and agents, dirt, dust, pollution and foreign objects. They also produce mucus which protects the lungs from harmful agents and particles.
When the sinuses get inflamed, they produce more mucus, which can block them and cause pressure.
Symptoms of sinus pressure
Sinuses are composed of four pairs of cavities can they can be divided into maxillary, frontal, sphenoid and ehmoid sinuses. The symptoms of sinus pressure due to an inflammation depend on which pair of sinuses is being affected.
Nasal congestion is the most common symptom of sinus inflammation or sinusitis. Other signs and symptoms include sinus headache, pain in the face and behind the eyes, phlegm, runny nose, cough, difficulty breathing, fever, fatigue, and post nasal drip.
There is a test that anyone can do at home to determine if the above mentioned symptoms indicate sinus problems. If the pain occurs or gets worse when the person bends with the head between the knees, then it is almost certain that the sinuses are blocked.
Sinus pressure treatment and home remedies
Steaming is one of the most effective treatments for sinus pressure. Since the pressure is caused by the mucus that is blocking the sinuses, it needs to be thinned down so it is easier to expel. Steaming can be done by simply turning on the hot water in the shower and inhaling the steam, or by adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a large bow full of hot, steaming water, wrapping a towel around the head and inhaling the vapors for then minutes. Another simple way to relieve the pressure is to place a clean cloth soaked in hot water over the face.
Another effective way to treat sinus problems is to stimulate the sinus pressure points. This is done by placing the thumb of one hand firmly to the center of the forehead and to then move it slowly but firmly along the eyebrows. This should be repeated for each side of the head. Pressing these points stimulates the air flow through the sinus passages and helps clean them.
Saline solutions can be used to rinse nasal passages, clean them, disinfect them and clear the mucus. A saline solution is made with one cup of warm water and one teaspoon of salt. This solution is supposed to be inhaled through one nostril and expelled through the other or through the mouth. It may be a little uncomfortable but it is very effective. Nasal decongestant sprays also may help but one needs to be careful not to overuse them.
It is very important to drink plenty of fluids, because proper hydration will help thin the mucus in the sinuses. It is best to drink plain water or herbal teas, to avoid caffeinated drinks and milk.
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