Have you ever beenjealous in your life? If you say no, then you are probably telling a lie. Maybeit wasn’t your intention, but subconsciously everybody has been jealous atleast once. How many times has a thought like ''Why is he better paidthan I am, and I know and the work more?" crossed your mind?
What is a jealousy?
Human brain is designedin that way that jealousy is present weather you like it or not. It may appearsuddenly, or it may be one of your traits. It is said that a small amount ofjealousy is healthy, because it motivates you to push forward. But, eventuallyyou reach to a point when you have to overcome it. For example, if you are awoman in a relationship with a good-looking man, you have to be aware of thefact that other women will flirt with him. That good-looking man was yourchoice, but it also means that the other women like him, too. You need toaccept that and work on your relationship. The same goes for your work andother aspects of your life. If your only goal and drive is to be jealous, thenyour life will be miserable. The next step after jealousy is bitterness. Itappears slowly, and all of a sudden you wake up with a sour, bitter taste inyour mouth. You have to nip the jealousy in the bud.
The cure
Can jealousy be treated?Yes, but only with your own help. In most cases, some other issue is hidingunder the surface, and you need to scratch a little deeper and find it. Yourheart will give you the answer. In some cases, a cause for jealousy is fearand we can continue like this endlessly. You need to face yourself and start exploringyour thoughts at the same time clearing your mind. Only then you will be ableto overcome jealousy. If you consider that you cannot do it on your own, youcan always talk with a friend or even a therapist. It is crucially important todiscover the cause of your jealousy and then you will be able to live yourlife in a good, positive way. Do not let that something so irrelevantinterrupts your life and makes it miserable, deal with it and move on, and youwill feel reborn. You have to be honest with yourself and admit what isbothering you.
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