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Sweaty palm condition and treatment

Palmerhyperhidrosis, or sweaty palms, signifies the over-production of sweat by the glands located in the hands. While it is an embarrassing, uncomfortable, unpleasant and sometimes debilitating ailment, it is also curable and can be treated by multitude of methods.

SweatyPalms may also influence the confidence, self esteem and social ability of the sufferer. The moisture on the palms can also lead to uncomfortable situations when a social etiquette such as hand shaking is practiced.

Methodssuch as iontophoresis and Botox injections may be steeply priced, but are effective. Avoidance of invasive surgery is, however, possible, as certain non-invasive methods do exist. The internet frequently misinforms persons looking for these methods, and it is often difficult to differentiate correct from incorrect information on this subject.

One of these methods consists of applying baking soda to the arms after they have been washed, as the soda can absorb the excess sweat. An avoidance of caffeine is suggested, as this chemical can lead to more sweat production.

Effectiveways of treating Palmer hyperhidrosis

Forcompletely successful treatment of this condition, several steps could be taken. The first involves utilizing very potent antiperspirants, which are usually successful. However, these sorts of products must be medically prescribed, and do not function with the more complicated cases of sweaty hands.

Asmentioned above, several medical treatments are encountered when searching for a remedy for sweaty palms – Botox injections and iontophoresis. The former involves injections that treat the clogged sweat glands, disallowing any moisture to seep through. This procedure is often used, but is quite expensive. The other procedure mentioned has been utilized for a long period of time, and while it is not known exactly how this procedure functions, it seems to provide positive results. It involves the placement of the hands in a water pool, and then running a slight electrical current trough the water which causes the sweat glands to go numb. This method is not always effective, and is also high in cost.

To treat this ailment naturally, and inexpensively, certain treatments such as the aforementioned baking soda can be used. Their main advantage, besides the price, is the fact that these treatments slowly remedy the issue without aggressive treatment forms like blockage of the sweat glands. More details on this subject can be found on “Stop Sweating and Start Living”, as well as different steps for alleviating the sweaty palm condition.

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