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Too Much Is Never Good

We know that many times in our life,when we exceed with anything it can mean only bad things for us,since, mostly, too much of anything is not a good thing. Amazingly,the same goes for exercising. Namely, many people believe that, ifyou spend countless hours in the gym, exercising restlessly, you willreach the desired effect in no time, having your muscles pumped likenever before. Subsequently, these people get demotivated once theyrealize how their muscles have actually shrunk due to over-trainingthey have exposed them to. Over-training is bad for your muscles andyour overall physical advancement. Also, it may be your greatestenemy during your workouts.

Our body makes muscles while we areresting. Of course, before that we must perform exercises since nomuscles will grow as a product of us sitting and watching TV. Thus,we need to exercise and exercise smartly. This means that we shouldbe careful not to go overboard with our training. Rather, we shouldprovide our muscles adequate exercise and then give them the timethey need to grow by providing them resting as well. Only this waycan you truly gain muscle mass you desire. Logically, you can stuffyourself with steroids and what not, but this is the best naturalway. Over-training will decrease your muscle mass, cause injuries anddecrease your capabilities, muscle mobility and even muscle mass.Thus, any exercise is completely counterproductive as soon as youperform too much of it.

How to Know You've Gone too Far?

The first sign of over-training is thedecreased size of your overall strength and muscles. Additionally,your muscles may feel unable to recover during a regular resting timeyou provide them, being sore, causing certain parts of your body totremor. Also, your blood pressure and heart rate may get increased.You may experience headaches, muscle injury, exhaustion, fatigue,sleep depravity or lack of appetite as well. All these are signs ofover-training and are therefore all bad signs.

How Can You Stop Over-training?

You may avoid this negative state ofaffairs by noticing the symptoms and stopping working out once youdo, giving your organism time to rest and recuperate. Also, you canbe careful and disallow this situation to ever take place. As soon asyou notice that you are unable to perform the same number ofrepetitions you could during your previous exercise session,your muscles need more resting.

Finally, you can design your idealworkout which will last for 45 minutes. This is an ideal time forintensive exercising, making sure you do not go overboard. Plan yourexercises well, and keep on track with your exercise program,performing it in accordance to your time limit. This way, you willstay fresh and in good condition while still having all the exerciseyour muscles need for the best possible performance and the mostpositive effect.

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