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Tonsil Stones – Background and Causes

Suffering from tonsil stones can be an extremely unpleasant thing. To make the entire matter worse, one can never be sure of how he/she got them, where, and when.

All one can be sure of is that they are extremely unpleasant “buggers”, which cause a rather unpleasant smell but unpleasant breath is not the end of them. Another downside is that they can also be the culprits for a sore throat and similar conditions.

How to Ward Tonsil Stones Off?

The greatest majority of people are in favor of removing the entire tonsil, in order to get rid of those pesky growths because they think it is the most effective and best method of dealing with them. This is actually not supposed to be a person’s first choice.

One thing you can do at the beginning of the treatment therapy is to “embrace” numerous treatment therapies targeted at dealing with the stones themselves until you discover which of them is the most effective and condition-improving when it comes to your case.

One of the very good first stops is doing frequent gargling, empowered with warm salt water. A great majority of people who suffer from this unpleasant condition have confirmed its utmost effectiveness in alleviating the symptoms and even warding off the stones and sending them back to the quarry, but the outside body.

Proven to be pretty beneficial is also the method and technique of garlic use, but given the fact that overall reports are not in complete accordance with each other, the best thing is to try it out for yourself and see if it has any effect on your condition and specific case.

Another method thought to be beneficial and effective is drinking a special blend of tea. This tea is a combination of lemon, apple cider vinegar, honey, and ginger, to top it off. Since there actually exists no specific recipe and dosage of the above-mentioned ingredients, a person should give it a go with his/her own mixture and find the most effective one for him/her.

Tonsillitis means inflammation of the tonsils when tonsils are infected. Tonsils become infected by bacteria or viruses, which causes them to swell. Tonsillitis can be caused by infections such as viruses (ie. Cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr) or bacteria such as streptococcus. Tonsillitis occurs more commonly in children than in adults but does not typically affect children under the age of 2.
  • Homeopathy is a rapid, gentle way to health and is very effective in treating diseases of children. There are many homeopathic medicines that not only help the child get relieved from the current infection but also would boost his immunity and prevent recurrent infection. Thus the child is able to live a healthy life, is able to grow and develop well.
  • Homoeopathic medicines that are very effective in the treatment of recurrent tonsillitis include- baryta carb, merc sol, silicea, sulphur, graphites, agraphis, hear sulph, psorinum, calcarea carb, tuberculinum etc.
✓ Fact confirmed: Homoeopathic Treatment Of Tonsillitis! Dr. Jyoti Singh; 2019.

Each and every of the above natural cures for tonsil stones consists of substances that are also considered highly beneficial and effective in treating more serious and severe health conditions such as various allergies and inflammations, both mild and those more severe ones.

What this implies is that tonsil stones actually do represent some side effects, signs,s and even a symptom of some more serious conditions and issues.

One of such conditions, for example, which tonsil stones have been brought into direct relationship with, is the post nasal drip.

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