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Problems with paying attention or staying focused on the task, easy distraction, restlessness and excessive talk may be the symptoms that point to the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) suffering child. All these symptoms may cause the problems in learning, socializing, self-control and even some healthissues.

The condition is caused by differences in parts of the brain connected to attention, activity and impulse control.

In some cases, ADHD is undiagnosed until the adulthood, but the medical history of these patients show presence of symptoms since the childage.

ADHD symptoms include: excessive talk, intruding others, problems with playing quietly or keeping attention while playing, shifting from task to task and leaving them uncompleted. Also, children with this condition are easily distracted, even if they play, have problems with any group activities, don’t follow the directions, don’t listen and can’t remain seated. They could endanger their health trying something and not considering the consequences or forgetting things needed for the activity.

Homeopathy for ADHD

Look up for the properly trained homeopathic consultant who will advise you about the remedies and their doses, appropriate for ADHD patient. These homeopathic preparations are suitable for both children and adults suffering from this condition.

Barytra Carbonica

Really shy ADHD kids, always suffering from colds and coughs are treated with barytra carbonica.


Young bossy children with dyslexia, who don’t like to be left alone, are best treated with lycopodium. These kids usually love sweets.


High potency medorrhinum is appropriate for hurried and restless patients. They could be melancholic, mind-drifting, and those children resemble little dwarves. Most likely, they love ice and oranges.


This homeopathic remedy is for kids (or adults) suffering from ADHD that are violent and have ticks and seizures. They sometimes fear of the dark, dogs or water.

Tarantula Hisp

Tarantula is recommended for cases of extreme restlessness, sometime with vertigo, and muscle contraction. It is useful for ADHD patents that love lively music and bright colors.


When ADHD person has double personality and present malicious behavior homeopaths use tuberculinum. Patients often suffer from respiratoryproblems.

Veratrum Album

It is used in people with unending activities, which display inappropriate hugs or touches. These patients tend to love lemon, salt and cold drinks, and their skin is pale colored, often bruised and cold to touch.

Natural remedies should be considered prior to pharmaceutical medication, especially in ADHD in children. Common medicine use tranquilizers and amphetamines to treat ADHD, but those drugs affect the brain and may cause unwanted side effects.

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